if you really knew me, you'd know that i am constantly evolving into a new person. i am always in need of change. so this is my
march mix, songs that are a current collective of me. take a listen, you'll get the idea. this weekend was extra special because i turned twenty four on sunday. i had a birthday picnic in the park on possibly the most beautiful day i think we've seen in weeks with a few people i hold dear to my heart. it was very low key and relaxed, just as i expected.
01 white hinterland - icarus
02 we were promised jetpacks - quiet little voices
03 saturday looks good to me - meet me by the water
04 radiohead - bloom
05 tennis - cape dory
06 lake r▲dio - always
07 glass vaults - new space
08 sun airway - put the days away
09 girls - carolina
10 braids - lammicken
11 the stone roses - i wanna be adored
12 minks - indian ocean
13 wreckless eric - whole wide world
14 warpaint - baby
download the mix